Sherpa Summit 2014

Unas fotos con clase.

Unas fotos con clase.

El martes 6 de mayo de 2014 estuve en el Sherpa Summit, un evento organizado por la gente detrás de la aplicación (un «asistente personal»), representando a Mozilla, junto con Osoitz y Patxi, de Librezale.

En el stand, accesible por todo el mundo desde las 9:30 de la mañana hasta las 18 de la tarde, pasaron decenas de personas preguntando por los terminales Firefox OS que tenemos disponibles en nuestra «exposición»: ZTE Open C, Alcatel OneTouch, LG Fireweb, Geeksphone Keon y Geeksphone Peak. Nos faltó una tablet para mostrar a todo el mundo otro tamaño de pantalla y una homescreen un poco diferente. Pegatinas, chapas y alguna que otra calcamonía fueron entregadas a los fieles devotos del panda (zorro) rojo que se acercaron.

Stand. Firefoxes ready to rock.

A las 10:15 de la mañana tuve una charla enmarcada en el track de Apps móviles, a pesar de que quedó bastante enfocada sobre HTML5, mostré cómo crear una pequeña aplicación para Firefox OS en menos de un minuto, seleccionando la web de RTVE (¡gracias a Salva!) para móviles, la cual es muy sencilla de guardar (Control-S, como index.html y crear un minimanifest, el resto «just works») y tunear para que se vea bien.

Sherpa 2014, you

27% of HTML5 apps using Wrappers.

Finalmente, terminamos a las 6 de la tarde, dando las gracias a la organización por dejarnos venir un año más (¡junto con la posibilidad de dar una charla!) y a Francisco Picolini por su siempre ayuda en estos eventos, aunque esta vez se quedara en Madrid organizando cosas más importantes.

Laster arte!


You care about HTML5 apps.

Test your Gaia localization


You need some tools on your machine (tested on MacOS and GNU/Linux, not yet on Windows – feedback appreciated).

  • Git
  • Python 2.6
  • adb (from Android SDK)

Clone Gaia

  $ git clone
  $ cd gaia

Clone locales

You need to clone all locales that you want to have in the device (and set those in the languages.json from the next step).

  $ cd locales
  $ hg clone URL

where the URL depends on what are you trying on:

v1.0.1 is the first version («es», «pr-BR» and «en-US») and you should work on v1-train or even master.

Set environment variables

You need to export the following variables. You can do that on your .bashrc file or even on the build time (before the command).

  export LOCALE_BASEDIR=/path/to/gaia/locales/
  export LOCALES_FILE=/path/to/gaia/shared/resources/languages.json

where languages.json must be edited to select what locales you want to test. For example:

  "ca" : "Catalan",
  "en-US" : "English (US)",
  "es" : "Español",
  "eu" : "Euskara",
  "gl" : "Galego"

Build and flash

Go to the gaia cloned folder, and just:

  $ make reset-gaia

if you want to test on your device (and you have it connected) or

  $ make profile

if you want to use it with your b2g-desktop build from here.

You can also put the environment variables before the launch of the make like:

  $ LOCALE_BASEDIR=/path/to/gaia/locales/ LOCALES_FILE=/path/to/gaia/shared/resources/languages-all.json make reset-gaia


Once finished, you will have a new Gaia build on your phone with the languages you just flahsed. Or you can use your b2g-18 binary to run it on desktop, with:

 # Profile Ready: please run [b2g|firefox] -profile /Users/willyaranda/projects/gaia-mozilla/profile
 $ /path/to/b2g-19/binary -profile /path/from/above/output

And that’s it. Enjoy your new gaia in your language!

Dogfood your Geeksphone Keon or Peak

What a nice hardware for the first phones with FirefoxOS!

I just got a Geeksphone Keon (the little kid) and a Geeksphone Peak (the teenager) and there are some things I need to have on my phones to consider them real, like Twitter, Facebook, a Chat app and my Google Contacts.


If you like microblogging as I do, you need to install this app. Just go to the marketplace and install it. It lacks HTML5 offline cache to be really fast (it’s a really bad UX to open the app and wait for 10 seconds to start see something on the screen…), but it’s a first good step. Lacks desktop notifications…

Desktop notifications in HTML5

In JavaScript:

var not = navigator.mozNotification.createNotification('New mention from @willyaranda', 'This is shown on the Desktop!', null);;



Again, this is on the marketplace. It’s the mobile version of their portal, so the same as Works as expected. Lacks desktop notifications, that could be really useful (new message, new wall post…)


Chat app

We have some kind of apps for chatting, but nothing final. I am waiting for a Spanish company which will be releasing LOQUI, that will be the chat killer app for smartphones!

Google Contacts

If you have syncronization enabled on your Android and like Google services, you probably have all contacts in the cloud… And you can add them to your FirefoxOS phone!

So with this app, created by the awesome Francisco Jordano (@mepartocontigo) from O2, you will be able to download your Google Contacts and add (with picture!) to your FirefoxOS phone. What else do you need? 😀

But the app is not yet on the Marketplace, but you can use it right now! What are the steps?

  1. Clone or download (and unzip) the project on Github
  2. Install the FirefoxOS Simulator on your Firefox from this page. Choose your correct platform!
  3. Once installed, go to Firefox -> Tools -> Web developer -> FirefoxOS Simulator
  4. On your FirefoxOS phone, go to Settings > Information > More information > Developer and enable «Remote debugging»
  5. Remote debugging

  6. Connect your phone, and the Simulator will show a «Device connected» at the left
  7. Click on the Push button.
  8. simulator

  9. The simulator will be open and the app installed. You can find on the homescreen. Open it. Follow the steps!
  10. importer

Protip: You can Control-R (Cmd+R on Mac) to refresh the app, that the simulator will package and push, and open again. So wonderful!

Happy dogfooding!